Why have we been slow to eliminate fossil fuels? The basic short answer is fear of disruption. (That would be the we the people, not the we the corrupt oligarchs. That is a separate post).
Well, disruption is here. COVID-19 has made sure of that.
Now, there’s nothing left to fear in moving things quickly from carbon-intensive to low- and no- carbon. Our economy is going to be upside down no matter what we do now.
Indeed, currently elected officials on both sides of the aisle are talking about planned economy efforts, normally associated with war, to build respirators, masks, hand sanitizers. We are hearing of the first toes in the water to universal basic incomes, with $1000 checks to every American.
We cannot talk about decarbonizing "once we have handled this crisis." No. We must address COVID-19 in a climate-conscious way NOW.
There are signs that some of our legislators get this. Here is a letter from eight senators to the majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate urging that dollars given in the stimulus are tied to climate-conscious demands.
THIS IS EXCELLENT and should be applauded. More, everyone's senators and representatives should be hearing from us right now that (1) We support these 8 senators and their request and (2) We do not want people flying now because people need to stop moving around. The airlines do not need to be propped up. Instead, we need to pay airline workers and help them move to jobs that support our effort against COVID-19 or to clean energy jobs (railroad anyone?), (3) Cruise ships need to go the way of Fotomat. At this time with many pressing social needs, cruise ships fill none of them.

Please read the senators' letter. Please applaud these first steps. Then please call to let them and your legislators know that there is political will for action.

We failed to listen to the scientists to get ahead of the COVID-19 curve. We still have one last chance to flatten the climate curve by halving emissions by 2030. That starts right now, not in 18 months.